First off, let me point out the difference between dry scalp and dandruff.
Dandruff is thick, oily and sometimes yellow in consistency. This is what you need to be using a special shampoo on, such as one with coal tar or tea tree oil.
Dry scalp is flaky, itchy, and white in color.
Just like your hands, feet, and other areas of skin on your body, your scalp can become dry.
There are many causes of dry scalp. Dehydration of the body, hair products with alcohol, chemical treatments, etc.
If you have dry scalp and are tired of the itching and flaking, try these tips to help.
*Get plenty of water
*Look for shampoos and styling products with no or low amounts of alcohol. You can tell by looking at the listed ingredients. They are listed in the order of the amount of content. (The farther down the list, the less alcohol is in it)
*Try not to over wash your hair. You should try not to wash it more frequently than every other day. This gives the natural oil glands a chance to moisturize your scalp, as well as your hair.
*Perform a Dry Scalp Brushing treatment once a week. **See Below
If you take these simple steps, you should get rid of the itch in no time!
For this treatment you will need a few hair clips, a tint brush (a brush used to apply color. You can find them at your local beauty supply store that is open to the public)and a good moisturizing deep conditioner (watch out for the alcohol content!)

Starting with clean hair, part your hair into quadrants (4 sections)
Fist part hair done the middle, then part hair across the top of the head from behind one ear to another

Now you are going to work in one section at a time. Let the section loose from the clip and start at the top of the section. Take partings that are 1/4 inch wide and brush the exposed scalp a few times with side to side motion. Continue working in 1/4 inch sections until you make it to the bottom of that section. Put hair back into clip and move to the next section. Repeat on all sections.
Put some of the deep conditioner into a bowl. Using the same tint brush, begin sectioning like before, but this time put the deep conditioner on the brush and apply to the exposed scalp.
After the conditioner is applied to all of the scalp, take your fingers and massage the scalp in circular motions for 3 minutes.
Rinse your hair and scalp.
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